born 1965 in southern France at foot of the Luberon (occ. Leberon)

grow up partly in Germany and studied art history, roman languages and economics. Move very early in the IT industry. More than 30 years in the IT-industries in different sales roles. Served for companies like Micro Warehouse Germany with our global CEO Jerome Bailey York, for the  Insight Technology Solutions GmbH with the global CEO Ken Lamneck and the Cancom SE with the CEO Thomas Volk.



1985  first SLR gear.

photographic themes:

portrait, fashion, boudoir, people and architecture.

photography is my passion. my mission is catching moments for eternity and made a story of them.

photography is communication and i´m fascinated by the possibilities that photography gives you to tell a story

the galleries are organized according to different categories. The goal of these different categories is to tell some visual storries.

published in differents magazines:

published books

all showed pictures are my property. by Olivier Springer  ©

peace and love on earth- Memento Mori.